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Friday, April 13, 2012

Angry at myself!

This picture sums it up!!!

Ever since I started this weight loss journey I have found myself being so mad at myself!  So mad that I let myself get so out of control!  When I first started working out, I had never worked out before!  Never even been in a gym before with the intentions of working out!  One of my friends once said after a workout, isn't  this great to do things we haven't done before?  I said yeah like being at the gym!  I'm serious!  This was a huge step for me!

When I'm working out, I find myself being mad at myself.  I'm mad I'm so big, I'm mad my body hurts, I'm mad I can't do some of the movements perfectly, I'm mad I'm not strong, I'm mad I can't run fast, I'm mad I can't jump!!! I'm just so mad!!!

I know this is part of the process but as I woke up this morning in to much pain to get up and go workout at 6am, I was mad at myself!  If I was just in better shape, if I would not have put this off for so many years, if I would have chose to be healthy along time ago!  I hate letting my mind and body control what I want!

I find that this whole process is really a mind game I play with myself.  Because when it comes down to it, it's all about me and I'm the only one that can change my life.  I am the only one completely in control of me.  I've found that working out and counting calories has helped me feel in control of my so out of control life.  This new life style feels like the one and only thing I have control over.  And lets be honest, I love control!


  1. So true! Don't be MAD at yourself - be so GLAD you are in control ... and I know you know you can totally do this girl! Your amazing and you can do amazing things :)

  2. Maybe try just going on a walk or something later tonight. Even some small exercise will make you feel better!
    Use being mad as more motivation to get going!
