I have been neglecting my blog. Poor thing! Seriously this working stuff is hard! I thought for sure I'd be able to keep it up! I guess I'm not the wonder woman I thought I was!
So I am hoping that things calm down soon. Right now I'm working from 7:30am to 4:30 pm. Not bad right? I don't mind these hours but here is the problem. It leaves me no time for ME! Gosh!
I thought I could wake up at 5:00am and work out until 6:00am then get ready for work and go to work. Then I could come home and play with my kids, cook dinner, blog, face book, watch TV, feed the homeless, make sweaters for the needy and stop the war in the middle east BUT unfortunately this is how my life had been going........... I wake up at 6:00 am still feeling very tired and wanting to hit the snooze button, take a shower and get ready for work, eat my toast, grapefruit and protein shake, make my lunch and go to work. Then nine hours later I come home, eat the dinner my husband or my mother in law made (which is great because I don't love to cook) and then I sit on the couch and watch cartoons with my kids and sometimes fall asleep while watching cartoons. Then I wake up, and go to bed! What is my problem! LUCKY for me I have not gained any weight back. LUCKY for me I am still eating very very healthy! I know it's the only thing saving my butt right now!
So here is my hope! I hope once I am out of training that I start work later. I've never liked working later but now with my new healthy life I have to make working out a priority! So if I can go into work at the earliest 9:00am that will make a world of difference in my workout plans! I really am praying to get a later shift.
So there you have it! I AM NOT SUPER WOMAN! What was I thinking?!?!?!?!
Thanks for continuing to read my blog even thought I've been neglecting YOU my readers! I still love you like crazy and appreciate your love and support as I continue on with my goals and I WILL weight 150 pounds by February 2, 2013 only 85 pounds to go!!!